You are viewing entries marked 'Vol. 2, No. 1 Winter 2012'.

Topic Modeling: A Basic Introduction

The purpose of this post is to help explain some of the basic concepts of topic modeling, introduce some topic modeling tools, and point out some other posts on topic modeling.

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The Details: Training and Validating Big Models on Big Data

In this video, David Mimno discusses some of the different choices one can make in training models and what their implications are for efficiency, scalability, and topic quality, using the MALLET topic modeling package. 

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Topic Modeling and Figurative Language


… to have them for an instant in her hands both at once,
the story and its undoing…

from “Self Portrait as Hurry and Delay” [Penelope at her loom]


Located at the center of Jorie Graham’s collection The End of Beauty, “Self Portrait as Hurray and Delay” crafts a portrait of the artist, poised at a precarious moment in which thought begins to take shape.

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Topic Model Data for Topic Modeling and Figurative Language

The topic model discussed in “Topic Modeling and Figurative Language” was created with MALLET. Drawing from 4,500 English-language poems from the “Revising Ekphrasis” corpus, the model was generated using the following parameters:

mallet train-topics --input poems-seq.mallet

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What Can Topic Models of PMLA Teach Us About the History of Literary Scholarship?

Of all our literary-historical narratives it is the history of criticism itself that seems most wedded to a stodgy history-of-ideas approach — narrating change through a succession of stars or contending schools.

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