You are viewing entries marked 'Vol. 2, No. 1 Winter 2012'.
The Journal of Digital Humanities “catches the good” by surfacing and highlighting valuable material published on the open web. For this issue we will go one step further, and solicit responses to this edition’s take on topic modeling in the digital humanities.
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The Journal of Digital Humanities “catches the good” by surfacing and highlighting valuable material published on the open web. For this issue we will go one step further, and solicit responses to this edition’s take on topic modeling in the digital humanities.
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The advancement of scholarship relies on the timely communication of questions, methods, results, and reflections. The iterative publications Digital Humanities Now and the Journal of Digital Humanities are intended to facilitate this process.
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Topic modeling could stand in as a synecdoche of digital humanities. It is distant reading in the most pure sense: focused on corpora and not individual texts, treating the works themselves as unceremonious “buckets of words,” and providing seductive but obscure results in the forms of easily interpreted (and manipulated) “topics.”
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Topic modeling provides a suite of algorithms to discover hidden thematic structure in large collections of texts. The results of topic modeling algorithms can be used to summarize, visualize, explore, and theorize about a corpus.
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