You are viewing entries marked 'Vol. 2, No. 1 Winter 2012'.

Words Alone: Dismantling Topic Models in the Humanities

As this issue shows, there is no shortage of interest among humanists in using topic modeling. An entire genre of introductory posts has emerged encouraging humanists to try LDA. So many scholars in humanities departments are turning to the tool in their research that it is sometimes described as part of the digital humanities in itself.

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Code Appendix for “Words Alone: Dismantling Topic Models in the Humanities”

Topic Modeling Ships

Begin by getting the data in order. (This data is available on request.)


This step pulls in the Maury data and splits it. This is not fully documented as part of this article, since the purpose is to show general geodata parsing.

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Review of MALLET, produced by Andrew Kachites McCallum

MALLET Version: 2.0.7
Requirements: Java

Reviewed: 15 February 2013
Tested on: Mac OS X v. 10.8.2, and Windows 7

The MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit, or MALLET, has been one of the “hottest” tools in digital humanities research.

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Review of Paper Machines, produced by Chris Johnson-Roberson and Jo Guldi

Paper Machines Version: 0.3.6
Requirements: Zotero, Python 2.7.3, Java.

Reviewed: 25 February 2013
Tested on: Mac OS X v. 10.6.8, and Windows 7
Tested with Zotero for Firefox 3.0 and Zotero Standalone 3.0


Paper Machines is an interactive multi-tool that allows users to perform textual analyses on their Zotero notes, tags, HTML snapshots, or attached pdfs (if OCR layer is present) directly in Zotero

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Vol. 2 No. 1 Respond Featured Excerpts

open for reader responses

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