The following pieces by Joshua Sternfeld, Katharina Hering, Kate Theimer, and Michael Kramer are based on our session at the American Historical Association (AHA) meeting in 2014, “Digital Historiography and the Archives,” and the series of blog posts based on our presentations that we posted on Michael Kramer’s blog, Issues in Digital History, and cross-posted on AHA Today.
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In art history research, photographs of art are the lifeblood of study. Since it’s usually impossible for a scholar to travel the globe and visit an artwork as need arises, there is substantial demand for archives of photographs of artworks for reference and study.
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The following remarks were delivered at the AHA Roundtable Session #83 Digital Historiography and Archives. They have been slightly modified and annotated for the Journal of Digital Humanities. Please note that the concepts presented here are a work-in-progress of a much larger project about digital historiography; I welcome additional comments or feedback.
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In the original presentation of these papers at the AHA session, I was the final speaker on the panel, and so my talk was framed as a response to and expansion of the points made by the previous speakers.
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