You are viewing entries marked 'Vol. 3, No. 1 Spring 2014'.

DARIAH-EU’s Virtual Competency Center on Research and Education



DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts in Humanities — is a large-scale, long-term, pan-European endeavor aiming to enhance and support digitally-enabled research across the arts and humanities.

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“Where do you need us?” — The National Library in the Digital Humanities



In the past two decades or so, national libraries have been digitising millions of pages of books, newspapers, magazines and other text-based collections. In this digital age, the research landscape is changing rapidly, with scholars able to ask new types of questions and answer them in novel ways by working with a wide variety of materials and in new collaborative modes.

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Encoding Historical Financial Records



A significant number of scholars in Europe and North America are now involved in projects utilizing or encoding historical financial and tabular records. Many of them hope that it will be possible to develop guidelines that account for both the idiosyncrasies of such manuscripts and the semantic information embedded in them.

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Digitization and Dissemination: A Reverse Image Lookup Study to Assess the Reuse of Images of Paintings from the National Gallery’s Website



Once digital images of cultural and heritage material are digitized and placed online, how can we tell if they are copied, disseminated, and reused? This poster explores Reverse Image Lookup (RIL) technologies — usually used to identify unlicensed reuse of commercial photography — to help in assessing the impact of digitized content.

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Great Parchment Book Project



The Great Parchment Book of the Honourable The Irish Society is a major survey, compiled in 1639 by a Commission instituted by Charles I, of all the estates in Derry, Northern Ireland, managed by the City of London through the Irish Society and the London livery companies.

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