You are viewing entries marked 'Vol. 3, No. 1 Spring 2014'.

Vol. 3 No. 1 Focus Section Featured Excerpts

“World building is both the creation of media and a design research practice.”

Noah Wardrip-Fruin

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Vol. 3 No. 1 Features Featured Excerpts

Screen shot from Pudding Lane

Screen shot from “Pudding Lane.”

“All of these various traces of the [public performance] have been integrated into a single experiential research environment through digital modeling.”

John N. Wall

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Modelling the Interpretation of Literary Allusion with Machine Learning Techniques



A Computational Perspective on Allusion

Most literary allusion, the deliberate evocation by one text of a passage in another, is based upon text reuse. Yet most instances of textual similarity are not meaningful literary allusions.

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“Making the Digital Humanities More Open”: Modeling Digital Humanities for a Wider Audience



“Making the Digital Humanities More Open,” a NEH ODH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant Project, is creating a free and easy-to-use tool that enables end-users with a variety of disabilities and abilities to access online humanities resources, allowing digital humanities projects to share the products of their text-based projects with this often-neglected audience of readers.

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Exploring Social Tags in a Digitized Humanities Online Collection



The recent development of Web 2.0 technologies has been implemented in many applications with an emphasis on user contribution, active user participation, and harnessing of collective intelligence. In particular, interest has grown in the use of tagging, as tagging allows users to add their own keywords or tags to online documents and images so that they can organize resources for themselves, share them with others, and find resources that others have tagged.

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