You are viewing entries marked 'Reviews'.
MALLET Version: 2.0.7
Requirements: Java
Reviewed: 15 February 2013
Tested on: Mac OS X v. 10.8.2, and Windows 7
The MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit, or MALLET, has been one of the “hottest” tools in digital humanities research.
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Paper Machines Version: 0.3.6
Requirements: Zotero, Python 2.7.3, Java.
Reviewed: 25 February 2013
Tested on: Mac OS X v. 10.6.8, and Windows 7
Tested with Zotero for Firefox 3.0 and Zotero Standalone 3.0
Paper Machines is an interactive multi-tool that allows users to perform textual analyses on their Zotero notes, tags, HTML snapshots, or attached pdfs (if OCR layer is present) directly in Zotero.
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“For historians, literary scholars, and other humanities researchers, MALLET is a valuable addition to your toolkit.”
Ian Milligan and Shawn Graham

The results of a topic model, showing 25 topics found across a database of nearly 15,000 song lyric files.
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