Trevor Owens
Trevor Owens is a Digital Archivist with the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) in the Office of Strategic Initiatives at the Library of Congress. He is finishing a PhD in social science research methods and instructional technology in the Graduate School of Education at George Mason University. Trevor wrote a book for Arcadia Press about the history of Fairfax County told through postcards, and published articles in the journals
Simulation & Gaming,
Science Communication,
Cultural Studies of Science Education, and
On the Horizon. In 2009 he was chosen by Read Write Web as one of the 50+ Semantic Web Pros to Follow on Twitter, and won the CW Bright Pixel Prize for building
PlayingHistory, an open collaborative directory of digital historical games and interactives.
Data seems to be the word of the moment for scholarship. The National Endowment for the Humanities and a range of other funders are inviting scholars to “dig data” in their “Digging into Data” grant program.
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Tom Scheinfeldt provocatively suggested that “DH arguments are encoded in code” and that he disagrees “with the notion that those arguments must be translated / re-encoded in text.” I don’t think this is how this works.
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