Joshua Sternfeld

Joshua Sternfeld has served since 2009 as a Senior Program Officer at the National Endowment for the Humanities Division of Preservation and Access in Washington, D.C. Prior to his arrival at the Endowment, Josh was Assistant Director and Postdoctoral Scholar for the UCLA Center for Information as Evidence and Information Studies Department from 2007-2009. He holds a B.A. in History from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in History from UCLA (2007), specializing in modern European cultural history and jazz studies. Josh has presented, taught, and published on the theoretical and pedagogical attributes of digital historiography. His publications have appeared in The American Archivist and Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Practices, Principles, and Politics.


Digital Historiography and the Archives

The following pieces by Joshua Sternfeld, Katharina Hering, Kate Theimer, and Michael Kramer are based on our session at the American Historical Association (AHA) meeting in 2014, “Digital Historiography and the Archives,” and the series of blog posts based on our presentations that we posted on Michael Kramer’s blog, Issues in Digital History, and cross-posted on AHA Today.

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Historical Understanding in the Quantum Age

The following remarks were delivered at the AHA Roundtable Session #83 Digital Historiography and Archives. They have been slightly modified and annotated for the Journal of Digital Humanities. Please note that the concepts presented here are a work-in-progress of a much larger project about digital historiography; I welcome additional comments or feedback.

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