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Table of Contents for Vol. 1, No. 2 Spring 2012
Audience, Substance, and Style
The Editors
An Electric Current of the Imagination: What the Digital Humanities Are and What They Might Become
Andrew Prescott
The Emergence of Literary Diction
Ted Underwood and Jordan Sellers
Transitioning to a Digital World: Art History, its Research Centers, and Digital Scholarship
Diane M. Zorich
Special Section
Games and Historical Narratives
Jeremy Antley
Privileging Form Over Content: Analysing Historical Videogames
Adam Chapman
Historical Simulations as Problem Spaces: Criticism and Classroom Use
Jeremiah McCall
Going Beyond the Textual in History
Jeremy Antley
Archives in Context and as Context
Kate Theimer
Think Talk Make Do: Power and the Digital Humanities
Miriam Posner
QRator at the Grant Museum of Zoology
Mia Ridge
Playing Through the "Art of Video Games" Exhibit at the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Anastasia Salter
Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring 2012, Reviews Featured Excerpts
The Editors
Video panels of players during gaming