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Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring 2012 Conversations Featured Excerpts

“I believe embedded in the discussion of what constitutes an “archives” is a debate over the importance of authenticity and the preservation of context.”
Kate Theimer

“It’s no longer just about coding and gender; it’s about the kinds of conversations we’re willing to have about uncomfortable questions.”

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Archives in Context and as Context

Approaching the field of digital humanities as an outsider is an interesting experience. It is best compared, I think, to being a tourist in a foreign country for which there are no reliable guidebooks.

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Think Talk Make Do: Power and the Digital Humanities

How cowardly to begin with a disclaimer! And yet. It seems worth saying that I wrote the original post from which this is derived in a fury at job-market news from friends, as well as the latest statistics from VIDA about women’s representation in magazines and book reviews. 

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