You are viewing entries marked 'Vol. 2, No. 2 Spring 2013'.

Expanding Communities of Practice

The materials featured in this sixth issue of the Journal of Digital Humanities expose “communities of practice” in digital humanities beyond the constellations of people and institutions directly engaged in experimental and digitally-inflected scholarship.

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Protected: Vol. 2 No. 2 Articles Featured Excerpts

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Changing Medium, Transforming Composition

Knowing only that they had registered for a first-year writing course, my Spring 2013 students walked into the first class meeting to discover that they had signed up for “Codes: An XML-based Composition Course” (Figure 1).

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Code Appendix for “Changing Medium, Transforming Composition”

Appendix A: Selections from Major Assignment Markup Schemes

Primary Source Analysis

  • In at least one paragraph match evidence (details) from the primary source with the interpretations you draw from them:

<seg type="ev_interp">

<seg type="evidence">evidence (details) from the primary source</seg>

<seg type="interpretation">interpretation based on corresponding evidence</seg>



  • Tag all research questions at the end of the PSA with unique xml:id identifiers:

<seg type="research_question" xml:id="surname_rq_#">research question</seg>


  • Tag a moment of the PSA when you complicate the seemingly obvious:

<seg type="complication">text here</seg>


  • Tag at least one exact repetition that you find in the primary source:

<seg type="pattern">text here</seg>


  • Tag a moment of the PSA when you identify a strand: a pattern of approximate (not exact) repetition:

<seg type="strand">text here</seg>


  • Define one binary—an organizing contrast—that you are identifying in or from the primary source:

<seg type="binary_a">text here</seg>

<seg type="binary_b">text here</seg>


  • Tag an anomaly in the primary source as well as your explanation of the significance of that anomaly:

<seg type="anomaly">text here</seg>

<seg type="anomaly_sig">text here</seg>

Annotated Bibliography

  • Markup structure for each annotated bibliography entry; possible type attributes are “book” for a consistently authored book, “chapter” for a separately authored chapter in a collection or anthology of separately authored chapters in a book, “pr_article” for a scholarly, peer reviewed article from an academic journal, “np_article” for a newspaper article, “m_article” for a magazine article, “o_article” for other article types:

<bibl type="type_here" xml:id="id_here" n="alphabetical_organizer"> MLA Works Cited Entry

<note type="ab_annotation" corresp="xml:id_of_corresponding_research_question"> Annotation here.</note>

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