Getting Started in Digital Humanities
When I presented at the Great Lakes College Association’s New Directions workshop on digital humanities (DH) in October, I tried to answer the question “Why digital humanities?”(Read more)
Nik Honeysett, Head of Administration for the J. Paul Getty Museum.
Michael Edson, Director of Web and New Media Strategy for the Smithsonian Institution.
Originally published as part of a YouTube crowdsourced panel for the Museum Computer Network Conference 2011 on the barriers to and benefits of implementing digital humanities methodologies in museums.
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I came to theory because I was hurting—
the pain within me was so intense I could not go on living.
—bell hooks, “Theory as Liberatory Practice”
The silicon chip is a surface for writing.
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“More hack, less yack,” they say. I understand the impulse, and to some degree admire the rough-and-tumble attitude of those in digital humanities whose first priority is getting things done. Hell, I like getting things done.
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It’s easy to be reasonable about the relationship we’d like to see between digital humanities and “Theory.” Each should inform the other. After all, humanists who put big-T Theory before any empirical data foolishly close their ears to the new evidence digital can create; digital humanists who ignore theory entirely jeopardize not only their careers but the soundness of their conclusions.
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