Stéfan Sinclair

Stéfan Sinclair is an Associate Professor of Digital Humanities at McGill University. His primary area of research is in the design, development, usage and theorization of tools for the digital humanities, especially for text analysis and visualization.


Text Mining Tools in the Humanities: An Analysis Framework



The most extensive compendium of text mining tools to date includes 71 tools and summarizes each based on ten criteria. While extensive, this listing of tools and their properties is general in its review criteria and does not offer any testing-based observations to help users assess actual usability.

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Voyant Notebooks: Literate Programming and Programming Literacy



Some thirty years ago Donald Knuth, a computer scientist, proposed literate programming as a better way of organizing narrative and code (1984). Knuth argued that more emphasis should be placed on explaining to humans what computers are meant to do, rather than simply instructing computers what to do.

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