Mark Sample

Mark Sample teaches and researches contemporary literature and new media in the Department of English at George Mason University. A vocal practitioner and critic of the digital humanities, Professor Sample has contributed to Hacking the Academy (University of Michigan Press) and Debates in the Digital Humanities (University of Minnesota Press). He also has a collaboratively written book forthcoming from MIT Press, which combines critical code studies, software studies, and platform studies, as well as more traditional forms of literary and textual scholarship to understand creative computing on the Commodore 64. Professor Sample is a regular contributor to ProfHacker, a feature at the Chronicle for Higher Education that focuses on pedagogy and scholarly productivity. He also writes for Play the Past, a collaboratively edited scholarly blog that explores the intersection of cultural heritage and games.


Tenure as a Risk-Taking Venture

I want to offer some context about my particular experience with tenure and promotion, because George Mason University (GMU) has a new tenure policy that allows candidates to go up for tenure either on the basis of “genuine excellence in research” or “genuine excellence in teaching.”

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Building and Sharing (When You’re Supposed to be Teaching)

Much of what I do in my classroom doesn’t necessary count as “digital humanities.” I certainly don’t present my classes as digital humanities classes to my students—or to my colleagues, for that matter.

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