Karl Grossner
Karl Grossner is a Digital Humanities Research Developer at Stanford University Libraries. He earned a Ph.D. in Geography at University of California, Santa Barbara in 2010. Karl's principle research interests are in the representation of historical knowledge in computational models of place, viewed as the setting for activity, events, and processes. This gets him into developing ontology-driven spatial databases -- geo-historical information systems that underlie digital atlases -- and more generally, 'interactive scholarly works' that present historical argument. It also entails semantic computing with natural language processing methods such as topic models and semantic similarity measures. At Stanford, Karl has co-developed the ORBIS web site (
http://orbis.stanford.edu) and is currently working on two completely unrelated projects, 'CityNature' and 'Kindred Britain,' both with early 2013 expected release dates. In the "before time" prior to entering academia he had occasionally overlapping professional careers in web software project design, network systems consulting, architectural computing, and photography.

There are, broadly speaking, four expressions of digital humanities scholarship: research utilizing digital objects, tools, and methods; the publication of the products of that research; the creation, extension, and annotation of digital archives; and the development or improvement of digital tools.
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ORBIS is self-defined as a historical transportation network model of the Roman world, but while it is fundamentally a computational model, it is also part of a genre of objects that could be referred to as interactive scholarly works, and so in explaining how to use ORBIS it becomes necessary to also engage with interactive scholarly works in general.
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