Jason Heppler

Jason A. Heppler is the Academic Technology Specialist in the Department of History at Stanford University and a Ph.D. candidate in History at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His dissertation research focuses on urban history in the North American West during the Cold War, where he examines how urban change shaped political and social identities where the digital economy came to exert influence on a place. He is the author of The Rubyist Historian (2011), an electronic book on Ruby programming for humanities researchers, and a contributor to The Plains Political Tradition (2011). Prior to joining Stanford, he served as the project manager for the William F. Cody Archive at the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at UNL.


A Call to Redefine Historical Scholarship in the Digital Turn

This is a collaboratively-written call for the American Historical Association to appoint a task force to survey the profession as to the place of digital historical scholarship in promotion and tenure and graduate student training and to recommend standards and guidelines for the profession to follow. 

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