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Protected: Vol. 2 No. 2 Articles Featured Excerpts

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Changing Medium, Transforming Composition

Knowing only that they had registered for a first-year writing course, my Spring 2013 students walked into the first class meeting to discover that they had signed up for “Codes: An XML-based Composition Course” (Figure 1).

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Code Appendix for “Changing Medium, Transforming Composition”

Appendix A: Selections from Major Assignment Markup Schemes

Primary Source Analysis

  • In at least one paragraph match evidence (details) from the primary source with the interpretations you draw from them:

<seg type="ev_interp">

<seg type="evidence">evidence (details) from the primary source</seg>

<seg type="interpretation">interpretation based on corresponding evidence</seg>



  • Tag all research questions at the end of the PSA with unique xml:id identifiers:

<seg type="research_question" xml:id="surname_rq_#">research question</seg>


  • Tag a moment of the PSA when you complicate the seemingly obvious:

<seg type="complication">text here</seg>


  • Tag at least one exact repetition that you find in the primary source:

<seg type="pattern">text here</seg>


  • Tag a moment of the PSA when you identify a strand: a pattern of approximate (not exact) repetition:

<seg type="strand">text here</seg>


  • Define one binary—an organizing contrast—that you are identifying in or from the primary source:

<seg type="binary_a">text here</seg>

<seg type="binary_b">text here</seg>


  • Tag an anomaly in the primary source as well as your explanation of the significance of that anomaly:

<seg type="anomaly">text here</seg>

<seg type="anomaly_sig">text here</seg>

Annotated Bibliography

  • Markup structure for each annotated bibliography entry; possible type attributes are “book” for a consistently authored book, “chapter” for a separately authored chapter in a collection or anthology of separately authored chapters in a book, “pr_article” for a scholarly, peer reviewed article from an academic journal, “np_article” for a newspaper article, “m_article” for a magazine article, “o_article” for other article types:

<bibl type="type_here" xml:id="id_here" n="alphabetical_organizer"> MLA Works Cited Entry

<note type="ab_annotation" corresp="xml:id_of_corresponding_research_question"> Annotation here.</note>

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Encoding Financial Records


“[A]ccount books,” business historian Judith McGaw noted in 1985, “are among the most common but least accessible primary sources for historians….” In the intervening twenty-seven years, historians have made use of these rich sources to produce a range of articles and monographs, but few digitization projects have tackled financial records directly.

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MediaNOLA: A Digital Humanities Project to Tell Stories of Cultural Production in New Orleans

The primary objective of MediaNOLA in the NEH planning grant was to work towards creating a website that showed the invisible contributions of ordinary people, places, and practices in the creation of New Orleans culture and its representations.

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