You are viewing entries marked 'Vol. 1, No. 1 Winter 2011'.

Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 2011, Reviews Featured Excerpts

Newspaper strip visualization

Newspaper strip visualization

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Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 2011 Conversations Featured Excerpts

“The debates around the role of ‘theory’ in digital humanities are debates about the relationship between saying and doing.”
Natalia Cecire

Faces from "The Real Faces of White Australia"

“The Real Faces of White Australia”

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Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 2011: Featured Article Excerpts

“Modern humanities scholarship is a direct engagement with a deracinated, Google-ised, Wikipedia-ised, electronic text.”
Tim Hitchcock

An ego network from

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Academic History Writing and its Disconnects

The last ten years have seen the development of what looks like a coherent format for the publication of inherited texts online – in particular, ‘books’. The project of putting billions of words of keyword searchable text is now nearing completion (at least in a Western context); and the hard intellectual work that went into this project is now done.

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Defining Data for Humanists: Text, Artifact, Information or Evidence?

Data seems to be the word of the moment for scholarship. The National Endowment for the Humanities and a range of other funders are inviting scholars to “dig data” in their “Digging into Data” grant program.

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